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Technology Support

Students using laptops

Welcome to the Technology Department

The Technology Team provides high-quality systems and services essential to teaching and learning. The technology department is committed to excellence in providing technology solutions to support teachers, engage students, and assist in the effective business operations of Barre Unified Union School District. 


Please use our online ticket system ZenDesk or email for technology requests.

Click here: ZenDesk Documentation for more information regarding ZenDesk.

Check the Technology News links for more information about technology updates in our schools.

Teachers!  Please visit our Resource Website to find resources and get help on all the classroom tools you use every day!

Classroom digital content use survey: As we continue to seek out more ways to support our learning community, we want to hear from you about your classroom digital content usage. By participating today in this 3 minutes survey, you are helping ensure that your voice is heard as we continue to grow and improve the technology available at our schools. Here is the survey link.